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Zimbabwe vs SA Masters 2017

Last weekend had the Zimbabwe and SA master finally met again in an almighty clash at Bulawayo Country Club.

It was a jam packed weekend, not only of Polocrosse but also a huge amount of fun- the SA and Zim players have met many a time in the past and have built up life long friendships. We are still waiting for the results of the boat races but here are the teams and results- with Zimbabwe clinching the series in a goal count.

B Division:

Zim B Team - Malcolm Sargeant (C), Bridget Parham, Minkie Smith-Wright, Pete Evans, Jenny Mannix and Andre Scheepers (Junior Master.)

SA B Team - Nicola Rae, Colin Miles, Gert, Debbie Stevenson, Marinda Miles, Micky Kane.

Day one: 12-10 to SA.

Day two: 14 - 8 to SA.

Day three: the players decided to play turnabout, where they all changed position every chukka. Scores 11 - 9 to SA.

So SA clinched the series in a 3-0 win with the little star Kafupi winning best horse jockied by Nicola.

A Division:

Zimbabwe Masters: Arlene Crooke, Allan Malloy, Wayne Parham, Ted Wilmot, Dave Nel and Shane Small who was replaced by junior veteran.

South African Masters: Colin Miles, Graham Powel, Kevin Soul, Croggy Armitage, Paul Davidson/Gert and Rian from Botswana.

Day one: Zim won 16/9

Day two: Zim won 19/6 (Dave Nel and Wayne Parham on fire!)

Day three: Zim won 13/9

Best Horse and Rider Combo - Ted and Love

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